In case you haven't gotten the news,
all the dkos election prediction macbook are going to belong to me.
also an ipod from Huffington.
Because the fix is in. All across the US of A, I have deployed my secret agents, some Democratic, some Republican, to disqualify, intimidate, mislead, tamper, miscalibrate, miscount and generally conform the results to the numbers postulated by me.
I can't lose. The fix is in.
353 electoral votes for Obama
185 for McCain53 % popular vote for Obama
45.4% popular vote for McCain
1.6% otherSenate 57D, 40R, 2 other, GA will require run-off election
House 260D, 175R
It remains only to select the playlist for my new macbook and ipod. This is where you also-rans come in.